

måndag 31 augusti 2009

Elementary Contact Care, Watson

By James Pynn

It's been a hard day's night and all you want now is to sleep like a log. Hold that thought, especially if you are one of the 38 million contact lens wearers in the United States. What has to happen now is a cleaning ritual that may break your will, but hold firm and follow through. Your contacts and your eyes will thank you for it.

Exclusion from the infamous Four Eyes Club comes with a price. Theres no flopping in bed and clapping out the lights. You will have to buck up, plan and clean and store. The alternative is a quick descent into sleep, to be sure. But waking up with an eye infection can ruin days and weeks of your life. In addition to a constant burning sensation and non-stop watering, an infected eye is extremely sensitive to light and may require a heavy round of antibiotics to cure.

Avoid the pain, hassle and possible expense of an eye infection and take precautions. Make it a nightly ritual to wash your hands and then your contacts. Store your contacts in an airtight case filled with sterile hydrating solution. Some of the no-rub cleaning solutions can also double as storage solution. In fact, these cleaning solutions can penetrate deep into the molecular structure of your contacts, getting them that much cleaner by morning.

Come, come now, Watson -- it's elementary. Clean contacts require clean hands and a clear head. Do not be lulled into thinking you can get by with short cuts. A quick rinse with dirty hands is a waste of time and solution. Failure to store your contacts in solution is as good as throwing them away. There is strict responsibility when it comes to contact care, for better or worse.

Be cautious and side-step the worst-case scenario and simply take precautions. Have a hydrating, no-rub solution on hand and a sterile contact overnight case as well. You will also need some soap and warm water for your hands. Short-changing the process is essentially short-changing yourself and an invitation to a host of problems.

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Examples of TMJ Symptoms

By Bart Icles

These days, it is not unusual to hear about people who are suffering from chronic pain. Temporomandibular joint disorders or TMJ are one of the most common chronic pain diseases that Americans suffer from. It is no fun to experience TMJ pain and it helps to learn more about TMJ symptoms so you can do the necessary measures at the first signs of pain or soreness.

A TMJ disorder can have various kinds of signs and symptoms. In fact, TMJ symptoms vary from one patient to another. There is not one complete list for the symptoms of this disease but the most common ones can be grouped according to the part of the body where they can manifest. Most TMJ symptoms typically manifest in the head. Most headache problems and types of facial pain can be results of a disorder in your TMJ. These include pain in the forehead, migraine, cluster headaches, sinusitis-like headache, painful scalp, and headaches at the back of the head that may or may not have shooting pain.

Eye pain and certain eye problems can also be signs of a TMJ disorder. These include bloodshot eyes, blurred vision, pain above, below, and behind the eyes, pressure behind the eyes, sensitivity to light, and watery eyes.

Symptoms of TMJ can also manifest in the ears and can include buzzing, hissing, ringing or roaring sounds, diminished hearing, feeling of fullness, clogged or stuffy ears, itchy ears, ear pain without signs of ear infection, vertigo, balance problems, and dizziness. Symptoms can also be felt in the cheek, chin, face and mouth areas. These include any discomfort felt in any of these areas, uncontrollable tongue movements, jaw and jaw joint problems, and the inability to find the correct bite. Clenching and bruxism are also signs that tell you have problems with your TMJ. Bruxism refers to the condition wherein you grind your teeth at night.

Some neck and shoulder problems can also be TMJ symptoms. These include neck pain, sore neck, tired neck, shoulder aches, upper or lower back pain, tingling sensation in the arms or fingers, numbness of the arms or fingers, pain in the arms or fingers, and stiffness in the neck or shoulders. It is important that you consult a doctor right away if you experience any of these symptoms. This can help a lot in relieving you of the discomfort and verifying if you are indeed suffering from a TMJ disorder.

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Natural And Effective Means Of Quitting Smoking

By April Kerr

Anyone who has ever tried to stop smoking, knows it is not an easy undertaking. Irritableness, anxiety and insomnia are common side effects. There is hope, it's not impossible. Now you can stop smoking once and for all with the use of some natural products.

I'm sure many of you have tried hypnosis, acupuncture, zyban and likely many other stop smoking aids. Many of you have probably rushed out to get every new stop smoking aid you've heard of. I've been there. So you've tried everything else, why not try herbs to help you stop smoking.

Look at it this way, herbs are commonly used for cooking, medicinal purposes, for adding flavour, and even for making tea. Why not use them to stop smoking too. Let's take a closer look at some of the herbs that are reported to help you stop smoking.

The first herb I will tell you about, I recommend talking to a doctor before using it. It contains a very toxic substance, yet it is extremely efficient at controlling nicotine addiction. The herb is called Lobelia, and the substance that gives it many of the same feel good, relaxing properties of nicotine is called lobeline.

Avena Sativa which can be widely found in wild oat plants is used to treat insomnia, nervousness, and anxiety. Many researchers say it will also aid individuals to stop smoking.

This next herb is reported to help combat the damages caused by smoking. Particularly the reduced blood circulation and the reduced memory ability of smokers. It is called Gotu Kola, or Centella Asitica. It is known to increase both memory and blood circulation.

Now for a herb that is reported to not only stifle ones natural desire to smoke, but also to fight the much dreaded side effect, weight gain. It's true, these are qualities attributed to the herb known as Garcinia Cambogia.

A few other herbs that have been said to help people stop smoking are Goldenseal, oak, willow, and Korean Ginseng. Korean Ginseng probably isn't that unfamiliar of a name to you, and it's natural stress relieving properties make it an excellent ally. Another one that will knock your socks off, is catnip. Yes I said catnip, we'll probably see smokers around the world fighting their cats for the catnip, but hey if it works, why not!!

An important aspect in trying to stop smoking, is to cleanse the toxins out of our blood. While drinking a minimum of eight glasses of water a day will help with this, there are also herbs that are ideally suited for this mission. A couple of them are Burdock root and Red clover.

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Medical Malpractice Firms - Fort Worth

By Jenny Smile

Fort Worth is one of the best travel vacation destinations in the world. Located in the beautiful state of Texas this place attracts a lot of tourists every year. If a medical professional violates the governing standards of medical care while providing treatment to a patient and it results in an injury caused to the patient, medical malpractice is said to be occurred. A few examples of medical malpractice are: misdiagnosis of a disease, personal injury or wrongful death.

Fort Worth malpractice firms offer lawful recommendation to you in almost all malpractice cases including, private injuries, and birth injuries, misdiagnosis of cancer, medicine errors and surgical errors. These firms are very much devoted to assist you in all types of malpractice lawsuits. They provide you a directory of the most excellent attorneys accessible to tackle the stories of physicians unwilling to confess their fault.

The major problem linked with these types of cases is that these hospitals and medical professionals do not admit their fault because their status and funds both are at risk. Now, the only probable way to make them understand their blunder is by filing a suit against them. You should make certain you employ a good malpractice firm that manages your case well. These Firms in Fort Worth look at the evidences and wins cases for their customers. The malpractice firm team is forever ready to take lawful action regarding your case fiercely if needed.

You should always look for the firms that charge fee on contingency basis. Their clientele pay them from the quantity recuperated. They also do not ask for any fees if you are not able to get any compensation from the second party. Some of these firms even present complimentary conference services. You must select a firm that goes well with your needs. Always go for a malpractice firm that offers you a bit extra at cheap rates.

Fort Worth has not restricted the attorney fees here. As we all know medical malpractice is highly technical field of law demanding proficient legal representatives. This article could really help you understand medical malpractice in Fort Worth. Have a lot of Fun!

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The Hype Of The Acai Berry

By Dana Hawkes

The Acai Berry, a berry seen from the depths of the Amazonian rainforest in South America, it has become extremely popular in recent times due to promotion on various TV chat shows like Oprah and Rachel Ray. It's also been claimed that various celebrities have used the Acai Berry to considerable success in order to reduce weight for many movie appearances and so on. As a result of all the hype, it's caught the attention of the mainstream - the US consumer wants to find out more about the so called "super fruit" that has been helping many high profile people lose weight.

But it's essential to differentiate between hype and reality. Does it really provide the results that many people claim it does?

Well, at the end of the day, results are results: it's easy to find examples of most people who are successfully using Acai Berry weight loss supplements in their quest to reduce weight. But it's essential to make sure that expectations are realistic. For a start, it has always been and will always be impossible to reduce weight without will power and exercise. The kind of weight loss achieved without these two main things is unsustainable and highly unhealthy.

Instead, trust to use the Acai berry supplements alongside exercise and healthy eating. When this happens you'll get visible rewards, sustainable weight loss, more energy and better all around health.

If you are really serious about loosing some extra pounds then the Acai berry is the best option. There are people who follow the Acai berry diet in order to prevent the signs of aging. The Acai berry diet also improves your stamina, providing your body with extra energy. What's more, the Acai berry diet also goes a long way in improving your digestive system. Visit the acai berry diet related website for more helpful information on losing weight with the acai berry.

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söndag 30 augusti 2009

Spire Centre Helps Fundraiser Achieve Swimming Success

By Philip Youngwood

Dr Steve Brearey, a consultant paediatrician at the Countess of Chester Hospital, damaged his wrist during an 8 hour training session in preparation for the punishing thirty mile swim. This left him experiencing extreme discomfort in his right and unable to pull whilst doing the front crawl, just weeks before the attempt was due to take place.

Experts at the Spire Liverpool Bone and Joint Centre. Have pulled back the charity swimmer's English channel attempt back from the brink of failure.

Physicians at the Spire Liverpool Bone and Joint Centre diagnosed Steve with Intersection Syndrome, a condition which can return when people perform a recurring wrist action.

"Fortunately, with the expertise of my radiology colleagues at Spire Liverpool Hospital and the high-tech ultrasound equipment available, the inflamed part of his wrist can be seen on the scanner and a needle directed towards it.

"Fortunately, with the expertise of my radiology colleagues at Spire Liverpool Hospital and the high-tech ultrasound equipment available, the inflamed area of his wrist can be visualised on the scanner and a needle directed towards it.

"In this way the powerful anti-inflammatory medication, can be injected with extreme precision into the area of inflammation. Such targeted pain relief is generally much more effective than conventional methods."

Following a years preparation, Steve was determined to make the swim a success for the Claire House Children's Hospice in Bebington.

All worked out in the end when on Friday 31st July, Steve made the voyage from Sanphire Hoe to Cap Gris Nez in 11 hours and 23 minutes. It was the third successful crossing this year out of a total of 10 attempts.

The hard work of the doctors was worth it when, on Friday 31st July, Steve made the crossing from Sanphire Hoe to Cap Gris Nez in 11 hours and 23 minutes. It was the third successful journey in 2009 out of a total of 10 attempts.

"Thanks to everyone who has helped and donated over the last year. It is not too late to contribute if you were waiting to see if I was going to get across first!"

To make a contribution and to read Steve's blog please visit:

Spire Healthcare have 36 private hospitals across the UK.

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Health Conditions Treated By Dr Rashid Buttar

By Rita Goldman

Dr Rashid Buttar has a constant battle with the North Carolina Medical Board over his clinic and its work. He believes they are trying to keep the court cases running in the hopes of diminishing his money to a state where he cannot afford to run the clinic any longer. There are many doctors who support his work and do whats best for their patients and let them choose the best course of action for them about treatment. But its the institution of modern medicine that is opposed to his practices.

That aside, Dr Buttar pushes on to help as many patients as he can, and with a great deal of success. Hes had some great recoveries from cancer and his DVD: Cancer-The Untold Truth is one in a series of discs called "Know Your Options". His philosophies on healing certainly includes prevention is better than cure. But as most people never think about illness until it happens to them, he advocates that dealing with 7 toxicity problems in our bodies, allows the body to function as it should and heal itself.

He continue that according to conventional medical literature, most cancer is generated by some type of toxicity causing the immune system damage and yet Chemo, Radiation, and surgery do not take care of the immune system. Also, surprisingly, Dr Buttar says many cancer patients actually die from malnutrition, but nothing is really addressed as far as keeping the correct nutrients up to the body during treatments.

He does thorough work with Autistic children, and is having a dramatic effect on their quality of life and that of their families. Other conditions he treats on a regular basis are:

* Hepatitis

* Auto Immune Conditions (myasthenia gravis, MS, etc)

* Cancer

* Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue

* Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue

* Heart Disease

* Peripheral Vascular Disease

* Hypertension

* Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders

* Alzheimer's Disease

* Degenerative Joint Disease

* Diabetes

Quite a comprehensive list. The world is certainly a better place for people like Dr Buttar. He not only gives hope but he gives quality of life, that is a gift that just cant be beaten.

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Can You Lose Arm Fat With Wide Barbell Curls?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Unfortunately, there are way too many opinions on the best exercises for losing arm fat. And many women are completely lost amongst all the conflicting advice.

Perhaps you have become lost.

If so, I have the solution. How? I've been researching arm exercises for a very long time and I am ready to share my findings.

So here is my review of wide grip barbell curls for losing arm fat:

1. Snap shot: This is a great exercise for toning the inside part of the biceps. It can cause a little wrist strain so be careful here. And remember that the biceps muscle is the first part of your arm someone will see when greeting you from the front.

2. Technique: Find a barbell and grasp it with a wide grip. Maintain an erect posture and keep your abs very tight. Slowly raise the bar until it comes close to shoulder height. Then lower it. Repeat.

3. Frequent mistakes: Jerking the weight back once it's close to the top. Allowing the elbows to move around. Flexing and extending the forearms when contracting the muscle. Not keeping the chest up and shoulders back. And using momentum to get the barbell up.

4. Bottom line: This is an excellent exercise for toning the upper arms. Every women wishing to get sexy arms should make this exercise a staple. The only thing you have to watch out for is the wrist strain. So experiment with different grips and angles if it becomes an issue.

Losing arm fat with the right exercises shouldn't be like finding a needle in a haystack. Once you ignore all the marketing hype and stick to what has been proven by research, you'll get outstanding results. And remember, if an exercise is really flashy then you are better served steering clear of it. The best exercises are the basic ones done with intensity.

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Tips On How To Have A Successful Personal Training

By Fantasia Moore

To assist you in the achievement of your goals in fitness, personal trainers have specific training. You will fill out a medical questionnaire during a pre-exercise fitness evaluation in the beginning session with a personal trainer. Goals, previous sporting experience, previous injuries, and current activity levels are established by this questionnaire that also is used as a tool for the assessment of risk. Prior to beginning a fitness program, a doctor's clearance must be obtained when the initial evaluation is failed by a client.

Next you will need to complete a fitness assessment requiring you to do a series of exercises that will assist you in the establishment of your present weaknesses and strengths. An exercise plan will be developed by your trainer utilizing your goals, time frame, and identified strengths and weaknesses. This is accomplished by taking measurements of the body including the folds of the skin, your weight, and how tall you are, and taking your age, flexibility, and posture into account so your progress can be tracked to determine if your exercise program is working.

Your trainer will be attentive to your nutritional level by requesting that you keep a detailed food log while you are participating in the training program. Since trainers have the necessary qualifications to assess your diet and provide advice on how you can make improvements, they will let you know if your diet is lacking and will advise you of healthy alternatives. A trainer will also offer you tips to help you fight diseases and health risks, so that you can lead a healthier and more enriched life.

Prior to hiring a trainer, make certain that he is qualified. The ideal way to accomplish this is by having him tell you their fitness association fitness number, and if it is active; most likely they have insurance also and have the required First Aid Level 2 certificate. In order to be certain, place a telephone call to the fitness association they have registered with for verification of their credentials.

It is my hope that this article will be useful to you. Meanwhile, best of luck in your quest for a personal trainer.

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Heavy and Hazardous Drinking Results in Critical Health Problems

By Denny Mitchell

For many years alcohol abuse and alcoholism research has shown that alcoholism and life-threatening health conditions are strongly linked. As an illustration, a U.S. scientific study carried out in 2005 showed that alcohol addiction and alcohol abuse cost American society roughly $220 billion annually. Interestingly, this expenditure was significantly more than the cost that was associated with obesity ($133 billion) or with cancer ($196 billion).

While these statistics and facts have enough merit to stand on their own, it is instructive to highlight the interlinking that exists between all three of these health issues. In other words, alcohol dependency and chronic alcohol abuse are also strongly interconnected with obesity and with cancer.

From a different outlook, medical research and alcohol dependency investigations have documented the fact that chronic alcohol abuse and alcoholism considerably increase a persons risk for diverse types of cancer such as cancer of the throat, liver, voice box (larynx), colon, kidneys, rectum, and cancer of the esophagus. Not only this, but heavy drinking over an extended period of time can also result in abnormalities of the fetus during pregnancy and immune system problems.

In a similar way, the longer an individual drinks in an excessive and hazardous manner the stronger the probability that his or her organs will be affected in an unhealthy and negative way. As an illustration, long term, heavy drinking is particularly injurious to the liver due to the livers importance in metabolizing the alcohol that has been ingested. In point of fact, extremely large amounts of alcohol not only inhibit the ability of the liver to regenerate but it also kills liver cells. The consequence of this is a progressive inflammatory malfunction of the liver that can ultimately result in cirrhosis of the liver, a damaging and potentially fatal disease.

Long term, abusive drinking not only can lead to severe liver damage such as cirrhosis of the liver, but it can also result in serious damage to the persons heart and to his or her brain. Physical damage to this extent may be so damaging that it can result in critical health issues or an early death.

It is thus imperative to know how to recognize the different symptoms and signs of alcohol addiction so that the alcoholic can be given the chance to get the quality alcohol treatment he or she needs.

It is fortunate indeed that medical research is constantly seeking and discovering new and important alcohol-related information. For instance, for approximately the past decade, sophisticated brain-imaging scanning devices have revealed that chronic, excessive drinking transforms the brains inner workings so extensively that the resulting brain disease can last months, years, or perhaps as long as the drinker lives.

Put another way, medical research has discovered that people who have been drinking in an abusive and irresponsible manner for a substantial period of time considerably increase their risk for developing severe brain damage. Damage this critical can be directly correlated to the effects of alcohol on the brain or to severe liver disease, or may be indirectly associated with the individuals poor overall health.

As a final illustration of various health issues that are highly correlated with alcoholism, it needs to be emphasized that heavy, excessive drinking can result in erosive gastritis, a medical condition that decreases the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients. Erosive gastritis, in turn, can lead to organ malfunctioning that is linked to malnutrition and to a number of serious neurological and mental disorders such as memory loss, sleep disturbances, and psychosis such as Korsakoff's syndrome and Wernicke's Encephalopathy.

It is plain to see that heavy, repeated drinking is directly or indirectly correlated with a number of acute medical issues that can and do lead to serious diseases and medical conditions and quite possibly to premature death. It is also obvious that these facts and statistics and this information needs to be stressed and taught to every person in our society so that a significant number of individuals will be able to abstain from abusive and excessive drinking while other individuals who already have a drinking problem can get the quality rehab they need.

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lördag 29 augusti 2009

What Vitamin Is for Fitness?

By Jesse Regan

Aiming for proper fitness does not only rely on rigid work outs and little knowledge on some diet programs. Our body also needs the right kind and amount of vitamins in order to achieve the best results for proper fitness. In actuality, all types of vitamins are essential for fitness but there is a certain group of vitamins that is greatly needed- the B-complex vitamins.

This certain group of vitamins is composed of vitamins like thiamine or B1, riboflavin or B2, niacin or B3, pyridoxine or B6, folic acid or B9, and cyanocobalamin or B12. Just like Vitamin C, B-complex vitamins are water soluble vitamins. We need B-complex vitamins in the proper breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose which is one of the essential health functions that our bodies perform. This particular function plays a major role in the work outs of fitness enthusiasts as it helps produce the right amount of energy needed by our body.

Fats and proteins are also being broken down properly through B-complex vitamins. Our nervous system is able to function well thanks to the help of B-complex vitamins. If you want to have toned muscles in your stomach and intestinal tract, B-complex vitamins are also the right ones to have. They also play an important role in the proper conditioning of our skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver.

These days, various food supplements that contain a concentrated amount of B-complex are made available and are often used by a lot of people. But then, still nothing beats the natural acquisition of B-complex vitamins through the food that we eat. This calls upon the importance of being well knowledgeable on the right kinds of foods that are abundant in B-complex vitamins. Some of the foods that are rich in vitamin B-complex are fruits, green leafy vegetables, meats, fish, liver, milk, eggs, brewer's yeast, rice, nuts, whole grain cereals, and a whole lot more.

Above all, an individual needs a well balanced diet in order to achieve the needed amount of B-complex vitamins in the body. Due to the fact that B-complex vitamins are found in almost all kinds of foods, food supplements have become unnecessary. Proper knowledge on the right kinds of food is the only key to be healthy enough through B-complex vitamins.

Thiamine which belongs in the B-complex vitamins has proven to be extremely helpful in preventing beriberi. This certain type of disease is a degenerative one that attacks on the digestive system, heart, and nerves of a person. Vitamin B deficiency is the main cause of the disease. Other types of vitamins are also needed for proper conditioning and fitness of the aside from B-complex vitamins. Vitamin A is one good example which has proven to be of great significance since the beginning of life. In fact, Vitamin A is one of the many vitamins that are needed by pregnant women because it plays an important role in the baby's physical development. In general, our body's physical growth and development needs the assistance of Vitamin A. However, all should know that all the vitamins are important to help us avoid acquiring various diseases. You can put all these together and come up with your own fitness tips guide.

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Omron Blood Pressure Cuff: An Easy Solution For Home

By Mariah Seton

Do you have high blood pressure, or concerns about your blood pressure levels? After talking to your doctor, you may discover that you want to monitor your own blood pressure at home to make sure it stays within healthy limits. The place to start is with an accurate, comfortable, and affordable blood pressure gauge, like Omron's automatic blood pressure cuff.

Omron is one of the most popular brands of automatic blood pressure monitors, and doctors recommend them to their patients who need to take their blood pressure at home on a regular basis. Omron's automatic blood pressure cuffs are very accurate, durable, and comfortable. What's even better - they are easy to use.

Unfortunately, there can be a lot of margin for error when it comes to taking a blood pressure reading. Going to the doctors office makes some people nervous, pumping up the blood pressure cuff by hand can raise your pressure a bit, there's just a lot that goes into it. That's why Omron developed their blood pressure cuff for accurate automatic results at home. It's tested for safety and accuracy, so you know it works and it will work well for you.

Another thing to note is the technology that Omron has added to their automatic blood pressure monitors is very cool, too. There are sensors that detect too much body movement and alert you to the situation to be certain that you get a correct reading. It also has a detector for irregular heartbeats and looks for that when you are getting a measurement for your blood pressure, keeping you informed about your body.

In order to manage your blood pressure right, you need to chart your average blood pressure. Unless you like writing these numbers out by hand, you can use your Omron automatic blood pressure monitor and get an average of your last three readings. Since you'll always have a typical, you'll be able to manage your blood pressure more easily and notice readings that are outside the norm.

Not only does it let you get a mean of 3 readings, it stores 90, so when you must let your physician know your readings, you'll have 3 months worth. To access the info you simply push the memory button and you will see all of your readings.

If you decide to buy the Omron automatic blood pressure monitor, you'll get a Comfit cuff, for cushty measurement and a convenient capability to fit arms up to 17'. You'll also receive an instruction manual, 4AA batteries, and an AC adapter so it can be plugged in if you run out of batteries.

As you research and read reviews on the Omron Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor, you'll be impressed by the consistency of positive feedback from users of this simple, yet important device. Your health is too important to trust to a tool that doesn't work, is hard to use, or provides inaccurate results. That's why Omron has engineered its blood pressure cuffs to be simple to operate for optimum results. When you try Omron, you'll be impressed, too.

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Don't Worry, It's Green

By James Pynn

Going through a box of contact lenses in a few months may bother environmentally conscious consumers. Disposable anything tends to run contrary to the image of otters at play in fresh, clean streams. But with the introduction of silicone hydrogels in 1999, contact lenses have become extremely biodegradable. In fact, the use of silicone hydrogels has made it possible to manufacture and market disposable contact lenses.

People with sensitive eyes take heed. Rather than deal with the constant discomfort of contact lenses, people with sensitive eyes are opting for glasses rather than any kind of contact lenses. To be sure, glasses allow a great deal of oxygen to reach your eyes. But with disposable contact lenses, consumers have a comfortable, gas-permeable alternative to standard contacts.

Forget what you think you know about contact lenses. In contrast to conventional lenses, disposable lenses are the most gas-permeable. This is a due to the fact that disposable lenses are much thinner than conventional contacts. This allows more oxygen and moisture to reach the eye. Indeed, though they are extremely comfortable, they are extremely fragile and tear easily if you try to clean them with solution.

Furthermore, contact wearers who hate to clean their contacts are in luck. The brilliance of disposable lenses is the fact they need no cleaning. None. At the end off the day you simply dispose of them. No fuss, no extra cleaners, no cases needed. You can save on the cost of multi-purpose solutions and enzymatic cleaners. The cost-benefit savings are passed along to the consumer.

And now for the sticker shock. A six-month supply of disposable contact lenses is about 20-40% more expensive than a pair of conventional contacts. In the face of having to pay more, many people opt for the conventional lenses, forgetting to take the cost of all the peripherals into account. At $10 a bottle for solution every two weeks for a year is approximately $260. Add another $10 every two months for enzymatic cleaner and now your grand total is $320. That is roughly $600 in yearly costs for solutions and whatnot. With disposables you simply wear and toss.

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Prescription Sunglasses Are A Must Have

By Adam Webster

When you require prescription glasses to get through the day, you probably already know how important your eye sight is. We are only blessed with this one set of eyes, so we need to take care of them. Get yourself a pair of prescription sunglasses and protect yourself from harmful UV rays. Ask your eye doctor about getting prescription sunglasses.

When the summer sun brightens, most people wear sunglasses. You'll see them on everyone from newborns to the elderly. The reason is that the sun can hurt your eyes and cause life long damage. Thankfully, researchers learned this and have made it widely known. Now we can all be sure to protect one of the greatest gifts we have, our eye sight. When you rely on prescription glasses or contact lenses, it is only right that you get prescription sunglasses.

Most people also don't think about getting prescription sunglasses when they first get glasses. You wear them everywhere, especially during the summer. If you require prescription glasses to see properly, doesn't it make sense that you'd need prescription sunglasses? Don't worry about sacrificing fashion, you'll find a bit of something for everyone with prescription sunglasses.

Prescription sunglasses are made from the exact same prescription lenses that you require to read, drive or see, in general. You can look forward to crystal clear, perfect vision when you get a pair of prescription sunglasses. They come in all colors and styles, from trendy to basic, to make sure you have what you need to see well and protect your precious eye sight.

Designers like Luis Vuitton, Oakley and BeBe have all come out with a line of affordable, chic prescription sunglass frames that you can choose from. If you can't find what you're looking for on hand at your eye care center, ask about making a special order. You can choose whatever color or size you like and feel confident with your new prescription sunglasses.

One big trend in prescription sunglasses these days is the transitional lens. This lens is a multi functional lens that lets you see perfectly indoors or out. You can get transitional lenses in most styles of frames. Ask your eye care specialist before you start looking for frames to make sure you know what is available. Transitional lenses help protect your eyes from the suns UV A and UV B rays.

When you're not indoors, your transition type lenses will phase into sunglass mode. You'll experience all of the benefits of two pairs or prescription glasses in one. These lenses are a bit more expensive than regular lenses but they are certainly worth the difference. You no longer will have to worry about where to put that extra pair of glasses or switching between glasses and sunglasses whenever you're inside or out.

Visit your ophthalmologist today to get a pair of prescription sunglasses. You'll look like a million bucks when you choose a style that truly matches who you are.

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Cure Panic Attacks - You Will Get Your Life Back!

By Riley West

Cure panic attacks fast? Without drugs? Yes, it can be done! The cure is easy to learn and it can happen for you, fast.

This is a straightforward thing, a panic attack. It goes around in a little circle and you can break the circle, and it's easy!

I'd have given anything to know that when I was stuck with these panic attacks for SIX YEARS!

Panic attacks start without you being aware of it. But, you sure are aware of them from then on! And you are afraid of them. Anybody would be.

Remember the circle that you can break? It's a circle of fear.

Just the thought of another attack gives you the creeps. That same thought can cause fear and the fear it causes is like a red hot coal that can start a new fire.

Watch out! Did you just think of having a panic attack! It makes you nervous and afraid.

Now, the monster is loose! This idea puts you at even higher anxiety levels and it's scary. You feel like running. You think that maybe you're going crazy! You wonder what the others are thinking? They seem ok... but you're not! What's wrong! You think "It's back and I don't know what to do! I can't get my breath...and so it starts and on it goes.

The one thing you want the most is to cure panic attacks - just stop them fast.

Are there wrong ways to cure panic attacks?

Any port in a storm, I say, but having been through it all, for six years, I stumbled across the "one move" that is used by so many people to get past this pernicious, evil, demon of a thing.

You can drink. You can take drugs. They might claim to be cures for panic attacks, but they can offer nothing more than temporary respite. It only masks the symptoms.

And, what about when it wears off? You need a solution. A cure.

Do you remember that "circle of fear" idea? Hold on to that thought.

You see it's not you! You aren't crazy or deficient in some way.

You are stuck in a repeating cycle that can be broken. By you! By just realizing what it is and choosing to be unafraid of it.

Yes, it's a choice, and once made, it works better than anything else!

How do I know? I was stuck with this "evil entity" (that's how I came to think of it) for SIX YEARS! It was wrecking my life! I had to get rid of it, but whatever I tried wasn't working.

Finally, after six years, I was as stuck with panic attacks as you can get. Fortunately I discovered the thought process (thinking shift) it takes to break the cycle of fear that causes these awful attacks.

You don't have to wait six years! You can do it right now!

You can learn to break the circle of fear by following certain steps to become unafraid. That's the key. Becoming unafraid.

The process used to do this varies a little for everybody but the end result is the same for all. There is a simple method for "becoming unafraid". And becoming unafraid is how you "cure panic attacks".

You can have your life back...without panic attacks!

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fredag 28 augusti 2009

What Are The Symptoms Of Manic Depression?

By Sheila Wilson

Manic depression, also called bipolar disorder, is a psychological illness that causes a mood disturbance. This mood disturbance can cause significant impairment and disruption of the person's life.

Symptoms Of manic depression affect the person cognitively, emotionally, physically, and behaviorally. Weird ability, euphoria, and depression are common emotional symptoms of manic depression.

Some physical symptoms of manic depression are fatigue, changes in appetite, changes in sex drive, a decreased need for sleep, and fidgeting. The fidgeting that is associated with episodes of depression is called psychomotor agitation by mental health professionals. Depression can also cause the persons actions to be slower than usual which is referred to as psychomotor retardation.

During manic and depressive episodes, the person can experience increases or decreases in sex drive and appetite. Some people make experience increased appetite or decreased appetite during a depressive episode. Manic episodes often cause an increase in sex drive.

People experiencing a manic episode often sleep much less unusual because the mania causes them not to get tired like they normally do. Depression can cause the person to sleep much more than usual or for the person to have insomnia.

Cognitive symptoms of manic depression can include perceptions of worthlessness and difficulty concentrating associated with depressive episodes. Racing thoughts, increased talkativeness, increased focus and goal-oriented activities, and distractibility are common symptoms of manic depression.

Manic episodes cause behavioral changes like seeking pleasure without consideration to the consequences. During a manic episode, a person may use drugs, have sexual indiscretions, or have spending sprees even if the person would normally never do those things.

Unlike symptoms of mania, common symptoms of depression include a lack of the ability to feel pleasure. A person who is depressed may lose their ability to feel pleasure which is called anhedonia.

Manic depression can cause psychotic symptoms. Hallucinations and delusions caused by manic depression are related to the current mood disturbance of the individual.

For example, an auditory hallucination experienced during a depressive episode could be hearing voices telling the person to kill themselves. During a depression, the person may experience thoughts of suicide or engage in suicide attempts. The person may mean to see a doctor or psychiatrist for an adjustment in their medication if the symptoms of manic depression that they experience become worse.

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Maternity T Shirts

By Joshua Dibber

Everyone knows that mothers don't want to start dressing badly just because they are pregnant. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, so you should feel beautiful while going through it. That is why there is such a big industry in maternity clothing. PlusSizeMaternityTshirts dot com is a great place to find all things maternity. Clothes are getting more and more fashionable for expecting mothers.

Why wear mom jeans when they have skinny jeans for pregnant women now? Yes you heard me right, they make maternity skinny jeans. All you have to do is do a little search online to find all the great clothes you could need.

Another great buy that you might find surprising are maternity yoga pants. You might be thinking that pregnant women shouldn't be doing yoga or any other type of exercise but I assure you that it is okay and actually encouraged that they do so. Exercise is healthy for pregnancy and can be done for the first 6 months of the pregnancy.

A very popular item that is still growing in popularity is the funny t shirt for pregnant women. When you have baby in your belly, there are many more new jokes that can be made on you clothing.

You are by now probably wondering how you can find all the great maternity clothing that is out there. It is very simple, and all you have to do is search Google to find the best of the best in clothing.

Why order online? There are 2 great advantages, they are that 1 you don't have to leave your home. And number 2 is that you don't have to pay a store to act as a middle man between you and your purchases.

So have no fear that you will have to start dressing in mom jeans like the old days. The fashion world has finally come to the realization that pregnant women need to feel stylish too.

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Choices Available To For Whitening Your Teeth

By Dawn Enstruthe

Have you visited the web to buy teeth whitening products? Here are some of the whitening products that can be bought only online and is said to be very effective in whitening out teeth.

Aquafresh and Crest have one of the most popular teeth-whitening products, and it has been able to maintain its' popularity for some time now. These do-it-yourself whitening strips hit the market some time in the nineties, and people who want to brighten their smile without sitting in the dentist's chair still love them. The two main factors that increased this product's sale is the fact that it is both effective and affordable.

A reported side effect of the product includes a slight tooth sensitivity that has been experienced among its clients. The strips is used by placing it in the enamel of the teeth the ripping it off it leaves microscopic coating of the enamel off, therefore allows the tooth to feel pains and slight sensations when it comes in contact with both cold and hot substances.

You can also brighten your smile at home by filling a mouthguard with whitening gel and wearing it. The amount of time you choose to use the product daily doesn't really matter because the gels utilize mild peroxide to oxidize your tooth stains away, which gives very consistent results.

The fact that whiter teeth enhances the appearance makes teeth whitening an important issue to some. The products that most people buy for whitening teeth, and the most popular, are the ones that involve a procedure using a cotton swab. In accordance with the testimonies of the clients, this method produces positive results for whitening teeth, and works quickly.

The cotton swab has a mix of whitening liquid adn polishing powder in it, and this is what makes the product so powerful. We are not creatures to wait; we want a dazzling smile today, and since this product only takes from two to ten minutes, the advantages are quite obvious. Your smile is the most important thing you wear, so many people whiten their teeth to whiten their smiles. It's often a daily ritual to maintain a nice smile.

In United Stats the most common method for teeth whitening in the United States is by using Hydrogen Peroxide, it removes the stains in your teeth and eventually they appear whiter. However, experts advise to carry out this procedure twice a week rather than doing it everyday which can destroy your enamel and gum. One should consult a dentist before using this process. For preserving your smile, flossing is one of the healthiest methods for preserving your smile.

Before you buy teeth whitening products it is better to let the dentist check first the sensitivity of your teeth. It is best if the dentist will be the one who will suggest what type of whitening products you need to use without harming your teeth. There are cases wherein the whitening products could lessen the fluoride content of the teeth and it is not a good sign of healthy teeth. It is best to consult the expert first.

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The Benefits Of Having A Personal Fitness Trainer

By Mike Wilson

The necessity for the use of a personal fitness trainer has become greater now that we know that we are all different in body composition and body structure. You should consider hiring a fitness coach if you have been dissatisfied with your fitness program due to a lack of personalized routine.

Movie stars are not the only ones who can afford to hire professional fitness trainers these days. When you become enrolled in a gym that is truly professional these days, you most likely will be assigned to a fitness instructor. The composition of a program for fitness, for only your body, is the personal fitness coach's responsibility. Your exercise program is designed specifically for you according to what you require.

There are many advantages to using an expert fitness trainer. Your personal trainer will devise a program that is tailored fit with your body structure and your needs. They will identify and then focus on the part of your physique that will be targeted with rigorous exercise. They will work on the areas that need the most conditioning through personal training sessions.

Your physical fitness trainer can assist you in selecting the proper equipment required as well as the correct techniques for using them. You will learn proper posture from your personal fitness training lessons.

Certified personal fitness trainers are fully informed in the areas of nutrition, proper diet, and bodily makeup. They will create the right diet for you to follow and encourage you to have that fantasy figure that you can have if you follow a healthy diet and a good exercise routine. A trainer will also offer you tips to help you combat diseases and health hazards, so that you can lead a healthier and more enriched life.

In order to have the knowledge about which weight loss program is best for your individual needs, you should consider personal training provided by a fitness coach. A proficient personal fitness instructor will be effective at providing motivation and keeping you excited about exercise by varying your routine.

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A Family Guide to Deep Sea Fishing

By Mike Adams

Deep sea fishing is a healthy activity that a lot of families enjoy. Deep sea fishing is a sport that can give you and your family fantastic experiences and priceless memories that can last for a lifetime. The amount of family bonding in a natural environment is simply wonderful.

If you're a novice to this thrilling pastime, then there are some things that you need to think about before you commence with a deep sea fishing trip. It really is just one big adventure for you and your family, however, you should think about some things first of all to make sure that your trip is successful. Other than not forgetting to take your (waterproof) camera for those thrilling photographs, there are a few things that you have to think about before making any plans at all.

Time of Reckoning: Are They Really Up to it? First of all, you should take an honest look at the capabilities and age of your family. Lets face it: you won't be able to get the most out of a deep sea fishing trip, if your children are infants or toddlers - you'll spend the whole trip worrying about them. If you're trying to decide what kind of excursion to make, these things is very important, because the sea is a dangerous, unrelenting environment.

This would be an important factor, even if you are thinking of using the services of a charter boat, since most boating companies have set age limits. Generally speaking, the lower age limit usually starts at about eight years old. You should understand that companies set these kinds of rules to guarantee your safety.

Additionally, you should consider how long you want to stay at sea. Most inexperienced fishermen would rather a half-day trip, because they are less stressful and yet still enjoyable for the whole family. On the other hand, experienced anglers would often rather an overnight trip.

However, regardless of how long you have been fishing, you should still remember that your family's physical comfort could affect the overall enjoyment of everyone on the trip. Factors such as attitude and age play important roles in how your family can adjust to a sojourn on a boat.

Be Conscious of Distance: another important factor is how far away your preferred fishing location is from your house. The fishing packages available can vary greatly, depending on the charter company.

This means that the conditions and provisions that they will give you on the boat will also differ. If you will be travelling a great distance just to go fishing, you might be better off purchasing a package that is 'all inclusive', because it will provide you with everything you'll need for the fishing voyage.

All inclusive packages such as these are usually fairly hard to find, and of course, they are usually way more expensive than average day trip charter packages. An average charter package usually includes the bait and tackle, although, if you need a license, some packages include it, whilst others can charge extra for it.

Know The Terms and Conditions: In general, charter boat owners ask you to bring your own hats, sunshades, raincoats, sun tan lotion, medicines for motion sickness and everything else that you consider is important to take. Make sure that you are clothed appropriately with a series of warm layers, since it is far colder on the water than on land.

Also, most of the day charter trip packages require you to bring your own food. If this is the case, you should plan accordingly. Try to pack items of food that are easy on your stomach, just in case the waters are rough.

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torsdag 27 augusti 2009

Simple Ways To Experience An Amazingly Real Lucid Dream!

By Colleen Rikke

If you are not yet familiar with the phrase, Lucid Dreaming is a relatively simple concept. A Lucid Dream is a dream where you are aware that you are dreaming, even while in the middle of it. The degree of lucidity depends on a few things - how much control you can exert over events in the dream, how much of the dream you can remember upon waking and how stable the dream is.

It is this last factor which is the most remarkable and amazing thing about experiencing a Lucid Dream. Being able to identify the fact that you are having a dream is astounding. You can decide which direction you want the dream to go in and there really are no limits to what experiences you can have!

Just think about this for a moment. A Lucid Dream is like reality in every aspect; you can see, feel and use all of your senses, but with the knowledge that you are perfectly safe and can do literally anything you want. This is a virtual reality experience far beyond the capabilities of any computer technologies.

A growing number of people are mastering Lucid Dreaming and trying it for themselves. While most of us have an experience with Lucid Dreaming at some point in our lives, just imagine how great it would be to have a Lucid Dram any time you choose!

Lucid Dreaming gives you the opportunity to have any experience that you can think of. You can meet anyone you ever wanted to, visit other planets, have unbridled erotic experiences, speak with the loved ones you have lost; anything you can imagine can happen.

But experiencing regular and controlled Lucid Dreams can actually be fairly complicated to achieve. Certainly until recently people would spend months going through an instruction training and self-conditioning procedure prior to obtain familiarity to their first lucid dream. Often people would manage to have but brief instants of lucidity, whereas others never succeed in it at all.

So are there any simple ways of experiencing a Lucid Dream?

There are those who maintain that certain foods can foster Lucid Dreaming if eaten before bed; among these are mustard, dairy products and orange juice.

Other foods of note are pickles, ice cream, popcorn and fish. Although they are not as effective as the three foods and drinks described above. Some people say that they improve your overall dream recall and "prepare" your brain for future lucidity. The main problem is of course that they are high in fatty acids, salts and sugars which definitely doesn't assist you in getting a good nights rest!

Can Technology Assist You?

New technologies can make it somewhat easier to experience Lucid Dreaming. There are devices which can help to stimulate you to have Lucid Dreams such as eyeshades and sleep masks which activate a LED when rapid eye movements are detected. This light reminds you that you are dreaming; letting you take control of the dream!

But exciting new developments in sound technology have opened up the world of Lucid Dreams to anybody! A process has been developed by scientists where different sound frequency waves are played in each ear. This is known as binaural beats.

What this process does is to synchronize the two hemispheres of the brain. And almost instantly, just by listening to these special frequencies, puts the brainwaves into a state known as REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep which is the state needed to achieve a lucid dream.

If you have always wanted to try Lucid Dreaming for yourself, binaural sound presents the quickest and easiest way to begin.

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Live Yoghurt For Our Life

By Anastacia Sampson

Is it a myth that a long life is associated with yoghurt consumption or can it be backed by sound based medical studies? It does seem, according to current research, there is truth. However, ask how yoghurt is healthy? ? Do pay your attention to the quality of the yoghurt to get the most benefits from it to insure a healthy living lifestyle?

Yoghurt is fermented milk with the milk being altered by acid-producing bacteria. Acid-producing bacteria ?eat? or feed on sugars and in milk the simple sugar known as lactose is converted into lactic acid. However all acid-producing bacteria do not only feed on lactose, milk sugar, but also alter other sugars and foods. The over consumption of high protein containing foods favours the less healthy bacteria in our colon by supplying more ?food? for those bacteria that oppose the acid-producing bacteria. All bacteria types build up an environment in the colon by eating and fermenting food they need. Generally the acid-producing bacteria do not need high protein but rather more carbohydrates (complex sugars).

After a course of antibiotics it?s a healthy policy to supply what was destroyed by taking in direct sources of highly populated live acid-producing bacteria supplements. Antibiotics means against life and a general term to cover bacteria supplements is probiotics meaning pro life. It?s worth realising that our colon houses various and numerous types of bacteria that all have their place to different degrees! A probiotic often states it has so many billions of live bacteria to re-establish or improve bacterial conditions in our colon. We need to know that it?s a viable statement. This is why regulation of contents needs rigorous attention and checking to protect the consumers from misguided claims so they can make the right choices to insure a healthy living style of life.

Bacteria are needed in greater numbers due to their extremely minor size; we need those billions in dosages! Ideally plain, low-fat yoghurt with a guarantee of healthy live cultures or live bacteria is what we require for healthy living. Often to ensure that milk is safe from harmful pathogens, such as the tuberculosis bacteria, we process it before acid-producing bacteria are added! The threat of food poisoning can occur due to poor hygienic practices in the preparation of animal foods. To evade consumption of those pathogenic bacteria we need to wash all that is in contact with raw animal foods and heat the food to required levels. On the other hand bacteria that live in yoghurt have been shown to improve immune functions!

It means these bacteria may protect against auto-immune diseases, as well colds and flu from viruses. The history of live plain yoghurt in societies seems to have prolonged life in some areas of the world. Perhaps we should not mess around with a sound policy by adding flavours via flavourants and mixing in other odd preservatives and colourants. It is unhealthy to be mucking about with something that is healthy and natural. Know what you actually are feeding yourself by checking labels and the labels are hopefully complying with a quality guarantee by the manufacturer of the product.

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Colon Cleansing Herbs: Keep You Healthy Colon Cleansing Herbs: Tired of Being Sick? Try Herbs Natural Herbal Support

By Eric Dawson

It is a well known fact that the atmosphere and the food we eat and drink are crammed with harmful chemicals that enter the body and add to the build up of toxins that hamper the proper functioning of the body. Add to this the pesticides and fumes we breathe in unknowingly adding to the build up of toxins. Before long the body will begin to reel under the effects of these harmful toxins and will need to be cleansed. This cleansing process is called detoxification.

Our body does have a natural cleansing mechanism and this works through the kidney and liver at times the system can become over burdened and may need some external help from us to clean out the circulatory and excretory systems of the body. Some of the processes practiced for detoxification is prolonged fasting. This is an unhealthy process as the body needs nutrients to sustain itself. The best way is to resort to a detox diet assisted with detox body herbs as well.

Since the immune system is the mechanism that defends he body from disease, toxins cause the person to fall ill as the immune system is the first to be affected by harmful levels of toxins in the system. This is why it is necessary to remove the toxins from the body through a detox process.

Herbal cleansing programs. The use of herbs for internal cleansing may have begun with the Sumerians nearly 5,000 years ago. Likewise, many ancient cultures relied on herbs as their only medicine. Although there are countless herbs with medicinal properties, approximately 25 are used regularly for cleansing and detoxification. The fall into one of two categories-those used for purification and those used for revitalization. Purification herbs are used to purge the organ systems. Revitalizing herbs help soothe and strengthen the organs.

There are various ways to execute an herbal detox program as well. If you know of a general health food shop, like GNC, they might be able to sell you detoxification schemes that include all of the necessary components for the twenty-four hours. Then again, one always has the choice of purchasing the correct elements at a typical and localised food market.

Milk Thistle simulates the protein synthesis in the liver the cleansing organ of the blood. Nettles are used in combination with other detox herbs for cleaning the urinary system of toxins. Burdock roots are used when the need to cleanse he system is very urgent. This herb reduces the build up of metals causing problems within the system.

The additional foods that need to combine these constituents, though, include juices as well as pure and raw soups and veg. By combining the herbs with everything else that is eaten the herbal detoxification will have the largest benefit. For instance, veggie soups and juices are the downright finest thing to consume and blending herbs, such as garlic and cayenne pepper, will do your entire body justice and afford you the greatest benefit.

Nutrient supplementation. Supplementing the diet with extra vitamins and minerals, particularly those with antioxidant properties (vitamins A, C, E and the minerals selenium and zinc) and B vitamins, may prove beneficial. A multivitamin and mineral supplement may be used to support the body as it purges toxic chemicals.

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What Teeth Whitening Technique Gets The Best Results?

By Amy Nutt

The first thing people notice when we smile is our teeth. Everyone loves sporting a nice set of pearly white teeth. Unfortunately, food, beverages, and such activities as smoking, can cause severe teeth staining making them look unattractive. More people are now turning to teeth whitening products to whiten their teeth. There are many products available that range from very cheap to quite expensive. Whitening strips, gels, and toothpastes are treatments available that one can use at home. Results have been good, but the whitening does not last long. The best product to whiten teeth is laser teeth whitening.

Laser teeth whitening is one of many available dental whitening procedures that are performed by dentists. It is quick, safe, and a very effective method of teeth whitening with proven results.

The laser whitening treatment begins with a meticulous cleaning of the patients teeth. A laser whitening gel is then applied to the teeth. This whitening gel contains a greater bleaching agent in comparison to the gel used in the over-the-counter tooth whitening products, which produces improved results. The gel is applied to the teeth for about twenty five minutes and this application is normally performed two or three times during the procedure. After the whitening gel has been applied, the dentist utilizes a high intensity laser that is used to penetrate the teeth enamel. This procedure will bleach the teeth. The results can be seen immediately after the procedure. Depending on the patient's teeth shade and condition, laser teeth whitening can whiten teeth up to 8 shades.

Laser teeth whitening can take about one to two hours to perform in a dentists office. There will be no negative effects on the gum tissue. Patients have reported mild sensitivity which quickly goes away after two or three days. Laser teeth whitening produces better and faster results compared to other teeth whitening products. It is also faster as you start seeing the whitening results after an hour.

Costs of laser teeth whitening will vary greatly depending on the specific procedure performed, the condition of ones teeth, and where you live. In general you can expect to pay somewhere between several hundred to several thousand dollars.

An accumulation of stains on the teeth can be unappealing and cause people to feel apprehensive about showing off their smile. This often leads to low self-esteem. Fortunately, there are now a number of whitening products on the market that offer varying degrees of tooth whitening results. When choosing a particular teeth whitening product, it is essential to understand the effectiveness of each one. A dentist can fill you in on the pros and cons of each product.

The process of laser teeth whitening works by removing materials and stains from the tooth enamel. It is currently one of the most effective methods of whitening your teeth. Whitening your teeth will leave you with a brighter and sparkling smile that will catch the attention of all when you reveal your new and improved smile.

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onsdag 26 augusti 2009

Discover Simple Yet Effective Skin Care Tips

By Wendy Racklave

Skin is the first barrier against daily aggressions caused by environmental factors and pollution. For this reason, it's crucial to pay attention to any change that may affect your skin. I know that you heard about many types of skin care products, but do you know what your skin really needs?

Dry skin, unaesthetic cleavage, wrinkles- these are the nightmares of any woman who knows that a beautiful skin denotes health. A sexy outfit loses its charm on a dry skin, exposed excessively to dust, pollution and ultraviolet rays. Hydration is a must. If you don't drink enough water, having a poor diet and insufficient sleep, the skin loses its elasticity, and firmness, developing wrinkles.

During the winter, it is rather difficult to protect ourselves from the cold weather. The skin requires a special care; we must use soaps or lotions with acid or neutral PH to be hydrated. The cream must necessarily be hydrating, preferably with fruit acids. Also, even if it's cold, don't forget about SPF creams.

Cleaning the skin is the first essential step when it comes about daily skin care. Cleaning the face two or three times per day is recommended for normal skin. If your skin is greasy, then clean it 4-5 times per day. If you have dry skin it is better to avoid washing your skin too often; also, you will need to use a special lotion for dry skin.

There are several alternatives to face soaps, which are milder with your skin. You may choose between creams, body lotions, tonic lotions, gels and liquids. They are all made from a mixture of oils, wax and water, conceived especially to match certain types of skin. A swab of cotton soaked in milk has great effects.

I'm sure you heard about face masks. Well, almost all have a cleaning effect. Face masks contain different ingredients depending on your needs. Clay is one of the most popular ingredients, because it helps you to remove the excess of sebum and dead skin.

When we are 20 years old and the skin is young, the collagen fibers provide elasticity and flexibility to our skin. As the years pass, we should care more about our body, in order to have a fresh skin; therefore, it's good to know which the main factors responsible for aging are.

Unprotected exposure to sun and tobacco will harm your skin irreversibly. It's recommended to use skin care products that contain antioxidant substances: vitamins A, C, E, or extract of green/ white tea.

At the age of 30, a woman's skin reaches the maximum beauty. Skin care at this age consists in maintaining the beauty. The dermatologists warn that the first signs of skin aging are not the wrinkles or the loss of elasticity, but a change in skin color, which becomes opaque. It is mandatory that, once a week, to exfoliate the dead cells accumulated on the skin surface.

Eight hours of rest per night make miracles for your skin, which will look more fresh and bright. All the ladies know that one of the most simple and important things they can do to maintain their health is to sleep well at night. A nap of at least eight hours is needed to rebuild and maintain your body youth, to manage stress properly and to balance your weight.

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Asthma Treatment For Children

By Jonathan Park

Asthma is the common cause of chronic sickness in children. There are 12% of children who encounter asthma attacks. Now, children with asthma are increasing.

There are more children who are likely to develop asthma and the risk factors for the development of childhood asthma. These factors are the occurrence of allergies, family history or its origins, respiratory infections, birth weight, exposure to cigarette smoke before and after the birth of infant and raised in a rural environment.

Studies show that there are more children acquire this kind of disorder. Actually, no one knows why many children have asthma. Some health experts say that children who are exposed to more allergens like dust, air pollution, and cigarette smoke can increase asthma triggers.

Others said that children who are not exposed to childhood diseases are likely to develop their immune system. It implies that undeveloped immune system has more risk of having asthma attacks.

Others are particular with breastfeeding of their infants. If they are not breast-fed, it prevented important substances of immune system that being transferred to babies.

The signs and symptoms of asthma that need asthma treatment are as follows;

Severe coughing which occurs during night time or while you laugh, decreases the energy during activities in school, rapid breathing, complaining of chest harshness, simply wheezing, shortness of breathing, neck tightened and chest muscles, and always get tired

There are different asthma symptoms. They vary. Some children feel different symptoms than other children with asthma. These symptoms can vary from asthma episode to the next episode in the same child with asthma symptoms.

Also remember that not all wheezing are caused by asthma. Some kids under 5 years old have respiratory viral infections such as common cold which is the common cause of asthma-like symptoms.

If your children have problems in breathing, take him or her to the physician immediately for an observation.

It is hard to diagnose asthma in babies. But in older children the disorder can easily be diagnosed. They based it on medical history, symptoms and physical test.

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What Spinal Decompression Is And How It Can Help You

By Bryan Jackson

Contrary to what the name may suggest, spinal decompression is a non-invasive and non-surgical treatment for back and neck pains that have their roots in the vertebral disk.

The cause of the problems that are treated by spinal decompression is the displacement of the material that is supposed to be contained in the vertebral disk (normally due to pressure). Now given the way the body is created " with a lot of space economy " anything falling out of place is sure to get into something else's space in the body, as there is hardly any idle space in the body. And indeed, this is what happens with the disk material that finds its way out of the protective layer of the disk; as such material ends up getting into nerves way, causing the severe back and disk pain which is characteristic of the problems treated through disk decompression.

So the way spinal decompression treatment works is by creating a vacuum in the disk space that the displaced disk material is supposed to occupy " and as nature hates a vacuum " pull the material back to that space, where it is supposed to be, and where it would not be in nerves way (which is what is responsible for the pain). All this is achieved mechanically (with aid of computer technology) and without using any surgery.

The creation of the vacuum to accommodate the vertebral disks which have fallen out of place is not achieved suddenly, but rather progressively. This explains why spinal decompression calls for up to twenty treatment sessions to be effective.

Expectant mothers, people suffering from obesity, osteoporosis and severe nerve damage are among the people who are advised against using spinal decompression.

And spinal decompression, in spite of the advanced technology it uses, is one of the most cost effective methods for treatment of vertebral disk related back and neck pains. For the most part, the average cost of complete spinal decompression is in the $2000 to $4000 range, this being lower than (or at most the same amount) as what surgical treatment for the condition would cost, not to mention that surgery comes with its harrowing risks, and a considerable down-time as the patient recuperates.

Of course this is not to say that spinal decompression is a perfect substitute for surgical treatment for back and neck problems, as there are conditions in which spinal decompression might be contra-indicated (as mentioned earlier) and conditions in which spinal decompression is simply not the right treatment, and where one just has to go for surgical treatment.

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Look Healthier -- With Acai Berry

By Dana Hawkes

By now you must have heard much about the miracle fruit 'Acai berry'? It is everywhere; it's on TV, it's on the internet, it can only be described as a 'phenomenon. But do you know why it's so popular? Well, there are many reasons: It has tons of nutritional as well as medicinal benefits that everyone will appreciate.

Few people who follow the Acai berry diet do so to slow down the effects of aging; other people try it to lose weight. These people are enjoying the results and so could you, so don't delay; try the most familiar fruit on the planet today! The secret of keeping yourself healthy and young is that you should always keep an eye on the diet and then only you can get the desired health and the great figure that you require.

Acai berry aids in improving the metabolism of the body and provide you a perfect and young skin. What's more when you go for having Acai berry diet; you would find that you get a good night sleep. It also goes a long way in treating harmful diseases like cancer, diabetes etc.

Get the necessary information If you suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes then Acai is the fruit for you. Doctors throughout the world recommend Acai berries to their cancer patients. Interested? Then check out Acai berry diet information and visit the website related with acai berry. There you can subscribe to the Acai berry diet blog which details everything you want to know about this superb fruit.

We guarantee that Acai berry supplements will produce effective results within a very short period of time. It can help in weight lose, ease digestion and soothe many regular health complaints. Make sure that you consult the information present so that you can get what's best for both your health and your wallet.

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How Bipolar Disorder Affects The Life Of A Manic Depressive Patient

By Sheila Wilson

Manic depression is a common term for bipolar disorder. Life of a manic depressive patient is often impacted by the disorder. Some people with manic depression may have severe symptoms while others may only have mild symptoms.

Bipolar disorder causes mood disturbances known as mania and depression. The mood disturbances may not be severe enough to be called true mania or depression. Hypomania is a milder form of mania, while dysthymia is persistent, mild depression.

Mania and depression can be stressful and sometimes overwhelming. Mania can cause a decreased need for sleep, impulsively, euphoria, and irritability.

Depression associated with bipolar disorder can be severe and lead to suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. Someone who constantly deals with a mood disorder like manic depression may begin to distrust their feelings. If a person with bipolar disorder feels good, they may question whether they are beginning to have a manic episode.

Mixed episodes caused by manic depression have symptoms of both mania and depression. A mixed episode can be very frustrating. During a mixed episode, the person may feel irritable one minute, severely depressed later that day, and invincible and euphoric minutes later.

During episodes of mania or depression, the person may do things that they would normally not do. For example, a person who is financially responsible may waste hundreds of dollars during a manic episode. This can cause a great deal of frustration for the person with the disorder and their families.

Life for a manic depressive patient may be focused on managing the disorder and trying to control symptoms. The symptoms may be severe enough to inhibit the person from maintaining gainful employment. This disorder can also interfere with a person's interpersonal relationships.

Unfortunately, there is no medical testing to determine which medication will effectively manage the symptoms. The right combination of medications must be found by trial and error which is a process that could take years.

Many people with bipolar disorder benefit from therapy. Often, a person with bipolar disorder needs ongoing help coping with their symptoms.

Late adolescence and early adulthood are the typical age of the onset of bipolar disorder. Sometimes, the onset of the disorder interferes with person's ability to attend college or focus on their career. Bipolar disorder can be a life-altering illness.

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tisdag 25 augusti 2009

Teeth Whitening For A Bright Smile

By Vincent Roumou

Teeth whitening for a bright smile is much more attainable than it was a few years ago. With all the new products on the market, anyone can find a way to whiten their teeth for a better, brighter smile. Many people have need of a good smile for their profession. Others for their social life. Most people need it for both. A beautiful smile will open doors and endear people to you, while a rotten dirty mouth can drive people away.

Almost all cosmetic dentists will tell you that whitening is the number one thing that's sought after. And while it used to be for the people with lots of money, it now can be had by the average Joe. They can offer procedures to fit anyone's budget, and you can have that smile you always wanted. All you need to do is look around and you'll find lots of different ways to go about it.

When you get it done at the dentist, it usually involves a series of visits, and the sessions most of the time run for about an hour. There are many do-it-yourself kits that enable you to whiten your teeth at home, and they're very reasonably priced. This has become a common trend in the last few years or so. But there are many who still have it in the back of their minds that they can't afford it, so they don't try.

People need to know how affordable whitening is now. They also need to know that it works really well. But they shouldn't think that the procedure is a permanent one. It requires more applications later on in order to keep your level of brightness. Touch-ups are a common thing with teeth whitening. So keep this in mind - maintenance required.

It's a fact that most of us start out with pretty white teeth because that's the nature of enamel. But after years of use and abuse, the enamel gets worn down and discolored. The yellowish tint you see is the dentin, which is the core material of your tooth that is showing out from underneath what is now your thin, transparent enamel.

Teeth whitening for a bright smile is a great idea. And you don't have to pay an arm and a leg to get it done either. So despite what you may have thought in the past, this is a new day, and a good teeth whitening program is out there just waiting for you, if you'll take the time to look, shop, and compare.

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Finance Options for Liposuction Prices

By Mikael Epox

Cosmetic surgery tends to cost more than most people can afford. Liposuction prices average from $1,500 to as much as $15,000 depending on the area to be treated. However there is more than one way to pay for the liposuction procedure and not all of it has to be upfront. Most surgeons will either finance the procedure themselves or often will refer patients to financing companies. There are also specialized companies who make it their business to finance plastic surgery costs.

What some patients will be surprised to learn is that it is not uncommon for most clinics to carry the financing in house. Most places will be happy to extend a line of credit to any potential patient with sufficiently qualifying credit history. Usually however, the rates offered by clinics are some of the worst around. Just as you would shop for a quality surgeon, shop around for better financing rates.

If the clinic doesn't carry financing in house, almost every surgeon has working relationships with local financing companies with whom they can refer patients. These financing companies are used to receiving referrals from the liposuction surgeon and are experienced in working out fair and manageable payment plans for almost any budget.

Health Care Finance (registered) by Capital One will extend a line of credit to anyone who meets their minimum credit requirements.

Since cosmetic surgeries are typically not covered by health insurance plans, there are a number of companies that look to finance the high price of liposuction and other plastic surgery procedures for anyone who has health insurance.

Credit Care is one large company that fits this bill and will cover expenses up to $25,000 where health insurance plans won't. Speak with a representative to determine whether you qualify for a line of credit and what the payment amounts and terms they have available for your situation.

Remember that while it is not usually a good idea to go into debt to begin with, liposuction surgery as well as how to pay for it is a personal decision only you can make for yourself. In such case, do not shop for a surgeon based on price alone. Liposuction is an art and the outcome of such a procedure depends largely on the skills and experience of the surgeon. The final liposuction price includes both the risks and financial cost.

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