

onsdag 3 augusti 2011

Save Money And Get More Time To Do Other Things With Laser Hair Removal

By Hanna Nicole

For permanent laser hair removal offers many exciting possibilities. Anyone considering this method in any location would do well to research the process to learn how and when it can work most effectively. Screening centers and practitioners carefully is the next step. These days, the procedure is done using various laser types. Becoming familiar with True Laser is a good idea for anyone wanting the best results for the money and time they invest.

The hair and body hairs go through different stages. The first thing to start with is a follicle. Follicle forms and develop and after that hairs grow from it. Each hair then grows and finally achieves the resting point. Normally most of our hairs are in the growth phase and only a few of these are in the regression process. Just about 2% of the hairs continue to be under a resting phase. Every part of the body follows a different cycle for growth. So if you are considering laser hair removal you need to determine the cycle of this focal area. Similarly eyebrows will take about 3-4 months to complete the cycle.

An detailed examination of each phase will lead to a thorough understanding of its impact upon laser hair removal results. For example, during the active phase, hair cell division is occurring most rapidly. Also, during this stage, all the individual hairs are growing stronger.

When this process completes the body starts with the regression phase. But before the regression phase starts the body signals the other parts that the growth process has come to an end and this is the right time for the regression to get started. During the regression stage club hairs are developed and then shed as per the requirements of the body. The last step consist of the resting stage when the follicle sheds and takes the dead hairs on daily basis from the scalp. This is the detail of the process which every one should know so that they can have a better understanding of the treatment.

Most of the hair removal treatments are predictable because the factors that can impair or improve the process are quite well known to the hair specialists. However as far as laser hair removal is concerned all of these need to be studied with extreme care as it requires intense hard work and attention to detail. This helps the specialists to achieve the required results at the end of the process.

The follicle consists of papilla. This bulb produces melanin that is the main focus during the laser removal treatment. The reason is because this bulb causes the hairs to grow and if its foundation is destroyed the hair removal can be made permanent. For the removal of facial hairs the process takes something around 12 weeks and for the other parts of the body it takes about 7-8 weeks. This information will help you find out the true professional who can swiftly complete the procedure for you.

Make sure you do your homework before choosing what you feel is the best clinic for laser hair removal.

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