Almost all women wrestle with the problem of cellulite to some extent or another. Every women's magazine is stuffed with ads for products promising to reduce or eliminate the problem. But is there an effective anti cellulite treatment? Is there really a way to rid yourself of cellulite, forever?
Cellulite is that lumpy, bumpy, dimply appearance of fat, usually on the back of a woman's thighs or rear end. It is often referred to as looking like "cottage cheese." Women have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours searching for an anti cellulite treatment which will create a smooth, supple look in those cellulite-ridden areas of their bodies.
In order to understand whether an anti cellulite treatment will work, it's important to know what causes cellulite. Your body has fibrous strands of connective tissue which bond fat to your body. Cellulite occurs when fat bulges in between these connective tissues and collects in pockets. Be aware that no anti cellulite treatment invented so far can actually remedy the underlying causes nor "cure" these fat bunches which appear as lumps under your skin. It simply cannot be done.
Nor can cellulite be treated through diet and exercise. Sadly, it's true. The overall appearance of bumpiness can be reduced a bit by staying thin, that's certain. But exercising the area where cellulite occurs is not in itself an effective anti cellulite treatment. Less fat overall is good for your health and your appearance, but it simply will not eliminate your cellulite completely.
On the other hand, there are a range of treatment options which can reduce the appearance of cellulite. In particular, there are many topical creams which may create a smoother appearance. When shopping for an anti cellulite treatment cream, be aware that most will promise results which they can't deliver. You want to find creams which contain ingredients which are proven to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Effective anti cellulite treatments may contain caffeine, retinol or the antioxidant DMAE.
Caffeine is an especially useful anti cellulite treatment, because it increases blood flow to the skin, creating a firming effect. Retinol increases your skin's production of collagen, which also creates a firmer, more supple look. Antioxidants stimulate muscles to contract, which again makes the skin look firmer. So if you are about to purchase an anti cellulite treatment cream, look for one or more of those key ingredients.
Beyond that, you must use your judgment and do whatever works for you. Maybe you'll find an anti cellulite treatment at your local Chinese herbal pharmacy, and find that it does an amazing job. But whatever happens, remember that you're not alone. Almost all women struggle with the cellulite dilemma.
Cellulite is that lumpy, bumpy, dimply appearance of fat, usually on the back of a woman's thighs or rear end. It is often referred to as looking like "cottage cheese." Women have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours searching for an anti cellulite treatment which will create a smooth, supple look in those cellulite-ridden areas of their bodies.
In order to understand whether an anti cellulite treatment will work, it's important to know what causes cellulite. Your body has fibrous strands of connective tissue which bond fat to your body. Cellulite occurs when fat bulges in between these connective tissues and collects in pockets. Be aware that no anti cellulite treatment invented so far can actually remedy the underlying causes nor "cure" these fat bunches which appear as lumps under your skin. It simply cannot be done.
Nor can cellulite be treated through diet and exercise. Sadly, it's true. The overall appearance of bumpiness can be reduced a bit by staying thin, that's certain. But exercising the area where cellulite occurs is not in itself an effective anti cellulite treatment. Less fat overall is good for your health and your appearance, but it simply will not eliminate your cellulite completely.
On the other hand, there are a range of treatment options which can reduce the appearance of cellulite. In particular, there are many topical creams which may create a smoother appearance. When shopping for an anti cellulite treatment cream, be aware that most will promise results which they can't deliver. You want to find creams which contain ingredients which are proven to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Effective anti cellulite treatments may contain caffeine, retinol or the antioxidant DMAE.
Caffeine is an especially useful anti cellulite treatment, because it increases blood flow to the skin, creating a firming effect. Retinol increases your skin's production of collagen, which also creates a firmer, more supple look. Antioxidants stimulate muscles to contract, which again makes the skin look firmer. So if you are about to purchase an anti cellulite treatment cream, look for one or more of those key ingredients.
Beyond that, you must use your judgment and do whatever works for you. Maybe you'll find an anti cellulite treatment at your local Chinese herbal pharmacy, and find that it does an amazing job. But whatever happens, remember that you're not alone. Almost all women struggle with the cellulite dilemma.
About the Author:
I enjoy writing about cellulite and christian books on my book reviews website weekly.
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