

torsdag 11 februari 2010

Ways To Cure Snoring Problem

By Mariah Smith

Every person snores sometime or the other and it is a very normal thing. But, snoring is not good if it has a negative effect on the duration of your sleep and its quality. This has an impact on the lifestyle of the person and it can cause various health problems, fatigue and irritability.

Many people claim that no complete treatment for snoring exists, but some people claim that a few therapies exist that can tackle it effectively. Treatments for snoring consist of different types of home-based, medical and even surgery based treatments, with all of them guaranteeing good results in tackling this problem.

The choice of snoring treatment largely depends on the way you snore, that is if you snore with your mouth closed or wide open, or while sleeping on your back or in any position. Chronic snorers have to resort to surgical and medical cures but mild and occasional snorers can get rid of it through a few changes in their lifestyle. Lifestyle modifications include lowering weight, changing food habits, giving up drinking , and other changes like sleeping on one side with the head slightly raised and cleaning your nasal passage regularly.

If all these modifications fail in lowering your snoring habit, then the best thing to do is to see a good doctor. Depending on the seriousness of the problem, physicians can recommend a cure like using a device that sends air into a mask that is worn while you are sleeping. Another common solution is using nasal strips that prevent a person from inhaling through the mouth. They can also suggest dental fixtures like mouth guards that help a person breathe continuously, thereby reducing snoring.

Finally, there are a few surgical treatments as well for snoring. These procedures involve extracting blocking tissues and correcting the problems if any in the nasal area. Pillar procedure is an example of such a surgical cure for snoring, which involves placing small implants on the soft palate, and is quite effective.

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