

måndag 24 augusti 2009

Tips On Reducing Hearing Loss With Simple Solutions

By Chris Channing

Young adults often have the mind set that they won't have to care about an ailment that won't affect them until they are much older- such as hearing loss. Even still, young adults and even today's children should be taking care with what they expose their ears to.

A study that was released showed that the new generations of the human species will experience more extreme hearing loss. This has been attributed to the rise of MP3 players and music in general. Because devices such as the iPod have been in wide circulation, and are constantly used, wear and tear is being conducted on the ear buds every single day. It's recommended the volume be kept to a minimum.

Even your very job can contribute to your hearing loss. Construction workers are among the most at risk, as they are around loud machinery for most of the day. A good solution in this case would be to wear ear plugs to keep the majority of the environment sound out. Finding a pair that can be reused will also not impact your budget as much as you would think.

Even poor hygiene contributes to hearing loss. While you would think that the buildup of wax would help drown out excess noise, the wax can also cause an infection that can wreak havoc on your inner ear. Fluid can get trapped in the ear at this point, and hearing will be permanently impacted. Cleaning out your ear at least once a week will improve your chances of staying healthy.

Active protection of your hearing isn't always possible. Sometimes you have to learn through trial and error what your body can handle. The first few times you go to a loud concert and notice your hearing degrading, you should make the smart decision to use ear protection. Better yet, take the good advice to use hearing protection even when going to your first concert!

As a last note, have confidence in protecting your hearing. Younger adults and children think hearing protection looks silly and unpopular. Even still, you should take up for yourself and your health and make use of hearing protection each time you go to a loud even, concert, or think you will be subject to loud sounds for more than a few minutes at a time.

Final Thoughts

Hearing loss is easily prevented, but at the same time as we age hearing starts to destabilize. This is a natural process that is currently only fixed with hearing aids. Your doctor will have more information on hearing aids and whether or not you need them.

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