

fredag 9 oktober 2009

Eye Care Vitamins-Do You Need It

By Jonathan Bentley

As eyes form a very important part of human body and perform one of the most important functions, they need to be taken care of on a regular basis. The organ that is responsible to deliver signals through the optic nerve and reaches the visual areas as well as other brain areas are referred to as the visionary senses.

The function of the unicellular body is simply to find dark and light regions. There are various practices available to take care of this special visionary organ.

Certain specific vitamins help to maintain healthy eyes. Other elements too have an inseparable connection with the health of the eyes. The eye specialist hold the opinion that consumption of vitamins greatly enhances eyesight. Many of the diseases related with eyes can be avoided by including vitamins in your diet. For a good eyesight intake of a diet with the right measure of vitamin A is very helpful.

Nutrition plays a very important role to improve the overall health. For maintaining the health of the eyes, the vitamins have an exceptional role. Apart from helping to maintain a good vision, a nutritious diet slows down the natural process of aging that adversely affects human organs and senses. Many vitamins are known to produce a natural therapeutic value to the eyes and thus enhancing the power of vision.

Some vitamins provide protection and support needed for having healthier eyes. Some of the known vitamins are not only supportive of eyes but improve the eyesight too.. Fruits & vegetables like strawberries, oranges, broccoli and rosehip consist of Vitamin C that helps to protect the eyes. Apart from improving the quality of eye-sight, Vitamin C also helps in keeping away the risks of certain diseases like cataracts, macular degeneration and Glaucoma.

You can get a rich source of Vitamin A from liver, sweet potatoes and carrots which helps to protect corneal ulcers as well as blindness. You can get a rich supply of Vitamin E from hazelnuts as well as almonds which helps to protect different eye related problems. The role played by antioxidants in order to protect the eyes from diseases such as cataracts as well as macular degeneration is simply great.

Vitamin A is present in broccoli, Deep green leafy vegetables, eggs, butter, cheese and carrots in high amount and helps to prevent night blindness. For improved sensitivity to light and reducing redness in the eyes vitamin B complex is often found helpful.

Deep green vegetables, breads, mushrooms, pastas, bananas, milk, tuna, liver, avocados and nuts are all good sources of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6 & B12 that help to have healthier disease-free eyes. The doctors prescribe different vitamins that needs to be ingested through diet to improve the eye-sight. Important vitamins like A, E and C are particularly prescribed for enhancing the eye-sight.

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