

fredag 23 oktober 2009

Losing Weight Using A Colon Cleanse

By Holly Ann

Cleanse your colon and you will likely lose weight and a lot of it. Time and again people have used a colon cleanse to begin their weight loss regime. Your ability to keep the weight off depends on your commitment to healthy living. Believe it or not, a colon cleanse can lead to a loss of as much as twenty or more pounds in one month.

The food we consume is virtually full of toxins and pollutants. Processed foods from chip and cookies to canned foods and sodas fill our diets while filling our bodies with pollutants. Our immune system is compromised by environmental pollution and stressors. All of this has a significant impact on the colon. Many people believe that a colon cleanser is only meant to relieve constipation. The truth is that we are all subject to toxins that negatively affect our bodies. We could all benefit from a colon cleanse.

Initial weight loss following a colon cleanse is the result of waste being flushed from the colon. It has been estimated that there can be as much as fifteen pounds of waste material lodged in the average individual's colon. A detox agent, in your colon cleanse, will immediately begin to wash away the toxic waste stored in your colon.

The best way to complete a colon cleansing is by using natural ingredients. It is healthier for your body than using chemically prepared colon cleanses. The simplest and most natural way to begin to clean your colon is to begin drinking more water. Drink your water at room temperature, as this seems to help clean your bowels and fight weight gain. This is one of the main reasons that people from the Orient do not drink cold beverages with their meals.

So, drink more water, and then adjust your diet. You must eat raw, uncooked foods, specifically fruits and vegetables. This means stay away from meats and eggs. You also need to stop eating processed foods, so that nixes dairy and sweets from your diet. Stick with water, or perhaps decaffeinated tea, but avoid drinks which contain caffeine and alcohol.

This will get you started on your weight loss in the right way. Once you have completed your colon cleanse you will find that you have more energy and stamina. You will suffer less from headaches, depression, and fatigue. Your immune system will be stronger and you will feel much better. Allow approximately two weeks for your body to become completely free of toxins and pollutants.

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