

onsdag 23 september 2009

Alternative Ways to Treat Allergies

By John Stevens

Allergies are at best annoying and irritating, and at worst, debilitating. However, alternative natural treatments are able to provide adrenal support and can help to support and enhance your immune system. In this article we are going to take a brief look at the various herbs, vitamins and minerals that are recommended to help fight allergies.

There are many people looking for natural allergy relief. They have heard of the powerful methods natural foods have that can strengthen the immune system, and at the same time minimize allergy symptoms and obtain relief. For many people, the only way they are able to deal with the symptoms is when using medication.

It is understandable that people want a quick fix. They do not want to go through a hectic day sneezing and sniffing. Fortunately, health treatments are coming into play and the vitamin industries are making billions a year.

Natural treatments are not just about herbs however. Remedies are also about through natural foods that contain the appropriate vitamins and minerals that may be lacking or out of balance in your body system. There is also a branch of natural alternative treatment called orthomolecular treatment, orthomolecular meaning literally "the right molecule", and it works on the premise of using nutritional supplements to achieve its ends.

Even though the common food allergies like shellfish, wheat, tree nuts, egg, fish and peanuts can be life-threatening, kids sometimes grow out of the allergies while others don't. You have to understand what the cross-reactivity's potential is. This is when someone is allergic to a specific food that is within a certain food group, and they are more than likely going to be allergic to more foods within that food group. For example, if someone is allergic to tree nuts, they are probably also allergic to almonds, cashews and walnuts.

You should read all labels very carefully. Look out for any fine print before you purchase something. Don't buy it if you don't know what is in it. When you go to eat out at restaurants, make sure you know what is in the food. If the waiter isn't able to tell you, then ask to speak to the manager. It is important that you know exactly what is in the food before you consume it.

Natural remedies and orthomolecular therapy are great ways of treating allergies. They are both 100% natural and will have no side effects. Orthomolecular treatment works by taking nutritional supplements to strengthen or rebuild the vitamin and mineral levels that your body needs for good functioning. With your body systems working at peak efficiency, your immune system, (which is vital in allergy treatment), will be strengthened.

Nutritional supplements have a different functionality. Different products work in different way and on different problems. So for example some will work to support and strengthen the adrenals, supporting your body systems to be better able to fight against allergies whilst other products containing a different blend of herbs and vitamins are able to keep your breathing passages open.

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