

torsdag 3 september 2009

The Precautions you should take when traveling to another country during an H1N1 pandemic

By Braniff Watson

In early 2009, the world was shaken by the news of a new flu virus that was spreading around Mexico and killing some of those infected. First dubbed 'swine flu' by the media, the H1N1 influenza virus has been spreading quickly across all five continents in the time of this writing. The H1N1 flu virus has received much media attention as it is highly contagious.

it could also cause death in high risk groups such as youngsters, pregnant ladies, the old and those afflicted with medical infirmities such as diabetes, hypertension, heart issues, obesity and other medical issues. The deaths aren't from the virus itself but the H1N1 virus can intensify present conditions and often cause other issues like pneumonia, leading to death.

One more reason the H1N1 influenza is much feared is often because scientists have discovered that this new strain of H1N1 virus is sort of unstable and may mutate to become even more stronger and lethal.

Exercise frequently and eat a correct diet with lots of fresh veggies, fruits and plain water. Cut back on high cholesterol and sweet products like colas, sweet treats and junk food. Remember, obesity is one of the high risk groups for H1N1-related deaths. Looking after your private Cleanliness Private cleanliness care is most crucial as the pathogen can spread thru contact with a tarnished surface like a door handle, railings, table surfaces and so forth. Clean your hands with an antiseptic hand-wash often, particularly after going to public places like toilets, restaurants and sitting on public transport. Carry Antiseptic Wipes and Tissues Carry antiseptic hand-wipes or tissues to wipe your hands after touching doors, tables, escalator handholds, turnstiles, public telephone booths and other surfaces in public areas. If you have to go to an overcrowded area, wear a face mask.

Throwaway face masks are freely available in drugstores. One of the finest type of masks to wear would be the N95 face masks. Don't Touch Your Mouth and Nose try and avoid touching your face, especially your mouth and nose, when in public. You could have touched a tarnished surface and may transfer the H1N1 virus unknowingly to oneself. Wearing a face mask might help to remind you not to touch your face.

You will have touched a poisoned surface and may transfer the H1N1 virus unknowingly to oneself. Wearing a face mask might help to remind you not to touch your face. Visit a Doctor and Then Stay at Home If You Are Sick . If you're sick and suspect that you've got the H1N1 flu, then go to a doctor to find treatment. When you have been to the doctors, remain at home while you recuperate if your condition isn't serious. Typically , those that are in the high risk groups or who start to show symptoms of other medical issues such as pneumonia will be warded at the infirmary for further treatments. If you're traveling in a foreign country, it is careful to grasp the local emergency numbers for an ambulance and the closest hospice in the event of emergencies. If you show indications of an influenza, go to the closest hospice instantly to find treatment.

When you have been to the doctors, remain at home while you recuperate if your condition isn't major. Typically , those who are in the high risk groups or who start to show indications of other medical issues like pneumonia will be warded at the infirmary for further treatments. If you're traveling in a foreign country, it is cautious to understand the local emergency numbers for an ambulance and the closest hospice in the event of emergencies. If you show symptoms of an influenza, go to the closest surgery right away to seek treatment.

You'll have travel or hospital insurance plans that will cover the price of medical treatment in a foreign country. Before you leave your country to go traveling, do check with your insurance agent that you are covered in the event of a H1N1 emergency during your travels. Medical costs can be costly in another country and you have to be prepared in the event of an emergency.

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