

tisdag 29 september 2009

Make Your Rugs Smile With A Carpet Steam Cleaner

By Ted Johnson

Anyone who has ever decorated with rugs or carpeting knows what a chore rug shampooing can be. The machines for rent in home stores or even grocery stores do a very poor job mainly because all they do is spread dirty soapy water around the surface without removing any of the suds. Do this a few times, and your rugs are on the way to ruin. All too frequently if we choose to try the service of a professional carpet cleaning company we are disappointed as well. The real solution is a carpet steam cleaner.

Steam cleaners of all sorts have been around for decades. Anything that can withstand the overheated temperature of the boiling water can be steam cleaned - furniture, clothes, even the exterior of homes. However, the best results can be seen when it comes to clean carpet using steam cleaners.

For major stains of all kinds including blood, ink or even grease, steam cleaning is the best choice. When steam is forced through fibers, and mixed with a mild acidic cleaning solution, the combination helps to lift dirt and remove it completely. The steam will melt the dirt and makes it easier to brush away.

The commercial machines available for rent are not from the steam cleaner variety. These machines only mix soap with room temperature that is squeezed through brushes and spread over the rugs. Unfortunately, all these machines do is move dirty soapy water from one place to another without removing it from the carpeting. After a few of these shampoos, the carpet fibers are severely damaged by the buildup of soap and dirt.

A residential steam cleaner will run about $300 and are worth every penny. Even though they come in a range of styles with varying functions, the best machines have a reservoir to hold the dirty water that is being sucked off the rug. Don't waste your money on a machine that simply produces steam without having the ability to remove the waste water. Even though the steam will break up the dirt, it won't do you much good if it stays on the rug.

A quality machine will be able to handle at least an average room sized if not more. You don't want to be filling the water reservoir every few feet. Even in areas that need extra attention, you'll see some amazing results after just a few swipes of the machine. Front halls or family rooms may need extra attention, meaning more steam and cleaning fluid, but that's not a problem. Since the waste water is being removed, nothing will remain on your carpet to build up and cause damage.

They clean up easily. The reservoirs can be removed quickly, rinsed, and replaced. Brushes are simple to detach and many are even dishwasher safe.

Just a word of warning though - these steam machines can be pretty bulky and they are definitely very noisy. For apartment dwellers you may want to figure out when your neighbors aren't home before indulging in a long shampooing session.

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