

fredag 4 september 2009

Getting Rid Of Pimples Fast With These Little Tips

By Nikki Davila

Millions of people worldwide are being bothered by pimples and acne problems. If you are one of them, you must always be on the lookout for a final cure. I also have occasional pimple out breaks, but I am not inclined to try desperate measures. I do have tested many different things in the past, and I am going to share with some little tips that works great for me and they will do well for your too.

Mind you, though, these methods along will not totally relieve you from acne problem. However, if combined with an effective treatment plan, they will work great and provide faster results for you.

Tip 1. Always Keep Your Hands Clean

Do you realize how many times you will be touching your face with hands each day? Do you scratch, rub your jaw line or chin, or rest your head in your hands? Many of us do this, and this is exactly why you need to keep your hands clean. We can have oil and dirt on our hands from whatever objects we have touched. When the oil and dirt go into your pores, they will clog your pores and lead your skin to acne problems.

Tip 2. Apply A Clay Mask Every Day

The dirt and excessive oil in your skin is often the primary reason for you to get pimples. Clay masks can help you combat these problems with its oil-removing and exfoliating effects. They can also trap bacteria and dead skin cells and thereby return you with a truly clean skin.

Tip 3. Toothpaste As A Secret Weapon

By applying a small size of toothpaste to your affected area, you may find that the inflammation will get almost instant relief. This technique works wonders for some people, but it is not for delicate skin or more severe acne conditions. Remember to remove the toothpaste with lukewarm water in about 15-20 minutes and not to scrub too hard.

As mentioned, I have personally tested these methods introduced in this article, and they do work for me and for many others as well. The downside is that they do not deal with the root of pimple problems, and therefore the results are not lasting. If you want to eliminate your acne problem once and for all, you will have to shoot it at the root.

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