

fredag 22 januari 2010

Diabetes Symptoms May Include Increased Thirst And Urination, Blurred Vision, And Fatigue.

By Pedro Toledo

When you have type 2 diabetes, there are so many numbers to remember and none of them are your age! There are those daily blood sugar levels, three monthly HbA1c percentage... really important numbers you, as a diabetic, need to know. Most people with type 2 diabetes monitor their blood sugar level daily. The blood sugar level you are striving for is:

Usually this form of diabetes is diagnosed during 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. When the woman is being checked for gestational diabetes, she will be informed not to eat anything for 4 to 8 hours prior to the test. Then her blood sugar level is checked. Thereafter, she will be given a sugar laced drink and once again her blood sugar level will be checked after a period of 2 hours. If the blood sugar level is more than 140mg/dl, the diagnosis will be gestational diabetes.

This form of diabetes tends to manifest in obese women who are more than 25 years of age when they get pregnant. These women are more likely to get this form of diabetes if there is a family history of diabetes, had the same problem with earlier pregnancies or if there is too much amniotic fluid present.

How to prevent erectile dysfunction if you are experiencing signs of diabetes Get Hold of Your Blood Sugar Levels: This will enable you to prevent the damage to nervous and vascular system of the body. These two are the diabetic complications that results in erectile dysfunction. Talk To Doctor: He is in a better position of helping you to control the levels of blood sugar thus preventing damage to different body systems.

Other studies have shown that glycated albumin is important in detecting short-term changes in blood sugar control, and the test is highly recommended to be used when looking for a glycemic indicator in pregnant mothers diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Researchers also commented that the use of this test could save on health care costs.

Treatment: If you are sure that you are suffering from erectile dysfunction as the warning signs of diabetes then the first thing is to follow the above tips. If for some reason these tips do not work for you then it is better to contact a urologist. He may suggest different treatment. He may prescribe some medications like Viagra for achieving erection. The use of vacuums pump is also helpful to make the blood enter penis. The use of ring at the base of penis is also helpful in maintaining erection.

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