

onsdag 13 januari 2010

Do You Need To Know How To Get Rid Of Acne Overnight?

By Peter Skonctue

It could be your friend's birthday party, a wedding, or any other special occasion that fueled your desperate attempt to find some quick tips on how to get rid of acne overnight. Just when all you need is clear and glowing skin, these breakouts appeared without warning, the night before the event. Thankfully, you have just arrived at the right place to find some effective ways on how to get rid of acne overnight. With simple dubs and wipes, you can pull off a clear and zit-free skin in the morning. Here's what you should do to make it happen.

First, before you do anything else, you need to wash your skin. Rather than using an expensive cleanser that will dry out and abrade your skin, use a mild soap and warm water to remove any oil on the surface of your skin.

When that is done, it's time to exfoliate. You want to get rid of the layer of dead skin on your face to help make room for new, clean skin, but you don't want to scour your face red. A mild facial scrub should be enough. You can even make your own by mixing together sugar, toothpaste - not gel - and a bit of water. Mix them together until you have a paste and gently apply the paste to your face. Massage it into your skin, paying special attention to your problem areas, and then rinse it off with warm water.

You can also use toothpaste to target your acne by placing a small amount on any zits or pimples. Leave the toothpaste there for 15 to 20 minutes and gently wash it off, patting your skin dry.

Trying a face mask is another possible solution. One recommendation is an oatmeal mask made of plain oatmeal, not the flavored kind. Did you know oatmeal is good for absorbing and lifting away the oil from the surface of your skin? You can also use a face mask of egg whites which are rich in vitamin A. This mask will not only help exfoliate, it will also help tighten and firm the skin.

Another recommendation to help with single pimples is to wet a cotton ball or pad with rubbing alcohol or eye drops, and gently dab at any swollen, irritated acne.

If you don't have rubbing alcohol on hand, you can also try another alternative that you can make yourself. Mix a half teaspoon of tomato juice and one teaspoon honey together, mixing until it forms a paste. This combination can be very helpful for people who need to know how to get rid of acne overnight rather than over the weekend. Or, if you don't have tomato juice on hand, try apple cider vinegar or some hydrogen peroxide to help dry the skin faster.

Another solution that you can dab over the area is that made from natural herbs. Herbs like burdock, sarsaparilla and yellow dock brings your acne into its more manageable state. You can use tea tree oil, mixture or groundnut oil and limejuice or lemon juice and rosewater solutions on your face. Use whichever is available.

And remember, when you're pondering how to get rid of acne overnight, a good night's rest will always help refresh you and your skin.

If it happened that the acne is still visible in the morning, try applying an ice pack n the infected area to reduce redness and swelling. Then, a good skin color concealer can do the trick in hiding your acne.

You may be familiar with some products that offer overnight relief. However, these suggestions are equally effective and more economical to follow. However, you must be reminded that of the many ways on how to get rid of acne overnight, their severity of your acne condition should determine your recovery speed.

Your skin will, in the end, heal in its own time. Every tip and trick here helps to speed up your recovery and reduce signs of swelling and irritation. Rarely will a truly severe outbreak be healed overnight, but with these helpful hints, hopefully that small blemish will be quickly and easily taken care of.

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