

tisdag 5 januari 2010

Unsurpassed Benefits Of Massage Chairs

By Jake Gibbs

Massage therapy is a natural therapy that has been used by virtually every culture since the beginning of time. The manipulation of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and other soft tissues has helped to relieve pain, reduce discomfort and revitalize the body. Now massage chairs offer you the benefits of regular massage treatment. Here are some of the more prominent benefits of regular massage therapy.

Circulation Of Blood: Proper blood circulation is critical when tension resides in the body. This can be a negative effect on blood circulation. The build up of tension in the body can impair the proper circulation of blood. When this occurs, then the supply of nutrients may be reduced and so is the removal of toxins from the cells. The use of massage therapy has been used to enhance blood circulation throughout the body.

Lymphatic Flow: The circulation of the lymphatic system is important for removal of toxins. Many massage techniques have been developed to enhance the lymphatic flow. Different movements may be employed to help stimulate the lymphatic system.

Toxin Release: Either trauma or chronic tension to the soft tissues can cause the build up of toxic products. Regular massage treatment helps to reduce the build up of toxins in the body. It also helps to release these toxins and to the lymphatic system.

Reduces Tension: Massage therapy is a great way to help reduce tension. When your body is under tension, it will lead to the muscles becoming stiff and eventually fatigued. The regular use of massage therapy is a great way to relieve tension in its early stages.

Mind & Body: Massage therapy is used to unify the mind and body. Massage chairs use MP3 music players and headphones to help relax your mind. The mind must be calm and quiet during a massage. If your mind is under tension and can't relax, then neither wills your body.

Reduction Of Stress: Stress tends to build up in our bodies. When we come under pressure, and cannot find an immediate solution then we may experience stress. A massage chair is a great way to counteract the build up of stress in real-time.

Increases Energy: Massage therapy helps to invigorate and revitalize the body. It helps to improve the circulatory flow and relieve muscle aches and pains. It leads to greater awareness and a greater sense of energy. Regular massage therapy helps to enhance your energy flow in the body.

Improved Awareness: One of the good byproducts of massage therapy is enhanced awareness. Massage therapy is great for improving the circulatory systems of the body. With more circulatory flow comes more energy. This makes your body more efficient which enhances your awareness.

Improves Flexibility: Regular massage therapy is good for keeping your body flexible. Massage therapy manipulate the soft tissues of using a variety of movements and actions. This pushing and pulling on different muscles helps to improve flexibility and breakdown scar tissue.

Increases Range Of Motion: Stretching is an important part of any physical exercise regimen. The idea behind stretching is to elongate the fibrous tissues. Massage therapy and stretching systems contained in massage chairs help to improve the range of motion of joints and other muscles and ligaments.

Massage chairs provide a great way to get frequent massage therapy. Many of the benefits of massage therapy are only realized when done on a frequent and recurring basis. Always check with your health professional if you have certain conditions and determine if a massage chair is appropriate for you. Get the benefit of a massage chair and natural massage therapy on a daily basis.

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